Performing Arts
Building on traditions of: campfire sings, talent shows, arts & crafts shows, music programming, art programming, along with the Senior Girls Trophy Night song, the Camp incorporates and enhances this aggregate of Sherwood creative activity into a focused performing arts program.
The program invites maximum creativity, improvisatory works, and original compositions. This focused approach to performing arts programming is led by professionals, teachers, directors, artists and counselors who are eager to share their knowledge and talents.
Performing Arts – Vocal
The Sherwood vocal program is to be geared to the individual camper. Improvisation and composition are to be the primary tools used to teach all aspects and levels of musicianship and theatrical performances.
The program takes an organic approach to the study of music in which students are encouraged at every step to use the materials they study to create improvisatory works and original compositions. This approach not only enhances a student’s musical skills, but also enables the student to develop a sense of creative individuality in extra-musical pursuits and in life.
All campers receive instruction in: voice, vocal technique (warm-ups, stretching, projection, diaphragm breathing, pitch memory, blend, harmony, tone ), lyric structure and composition, melody components, small ensemble, and show chorus. Advanced vocal techniques in singing as backups, scats, and alternate melodies is explored, as well as the creative process in songwriting.
Instruction is available for all levels of musical development. All campers have the opportunity to perform in multiple venues to include: a fully staged talent show, ensemble camp fire sing, as well as ad hoc performances at varying camp gatherings. Older campers are afforded the opportunity to create and produce a CD in a professional studio setting. All those involved will explore and expand their song repertoires and capacity in songwriting.
Performing Arts – Theater
The Sherwood theatrical program is to be geared to the individual camper. Improvisation and composition are the primary tools used to teach all aspects and levels of stage performance. Like the vocal program, campers are encouraged at every step to explore improvisatory works. This approach not only enhances a camper’s performance skills, but also enables the camper to develop a sense of creative individuality in theatrical pursuits and in life. Whether singing, acting, painting, dancing, or playing an instrument, campers are encouraged to thrive from belonging to a group moving to a common production goal.
All campers will receive instruction in: drama, presentation, acting, full speaking voice and diction, performance pedagogy, rhythm, monologue, stage movement and gestures, choreography, scene study, and stage crafts (make-up to lighting). All campers have the opportunity to perform in multiple venues to include: a fully staged and choreographed talent show, ensemble camp fire sing, as well as ad hoc skit performances.
The use of improvisation is used to liberate the camper to be free and expressive, as well as to develop a confident bearing in the presence of large audiences. Additionally, campers develop, discuss, write and even perform the written word working towards an understanding of what it takes to bring the imagination of the mind to the fruition of performance.