Highland Games
Rick Cumberpatch Memorial Highland Games
Background & Intent
Celtic athletic competitions test an athlete’s strength, speed, skill and endurance. The Cumberpatch Highland Games afford each camper the opportunity to test themselves in head-to-head competition with their peers, resulting in a quickening and continued formation of the tenacious spirit. Highland Events (or Heavy Events) are comprised of: dashes, relays, skill, team, and strength. Events containing the word Toss refer to competitions for height whereas events containing the word Throw are for distance.
Heavy Events
Braemar Stone. A rounded stone, called a clachneart, weighing 8 pounds is thrown for distance in this event. Some athletes spin to gain momentum before releasing the stone, in much the same way a shot put is tossed, while others impart momentum via a forward glide. The winner is the athlete who throws the stone the farthest.
Beam Carry. A team event wherein a wooden beam is picked up and carried to the finish line. Uneven teams are numerically balanced by lot with those previously set aside receiving a bye.
Sheaf Toss. The sheaf toss involves hurling a bag of hay straight up into the air over an adjustable crossbar. The bag of hay weighs 12 pounds. The winner is the athlete who tosses the sheaf the highest.
Tug-o-war. The traditional tug-o-war. The winner is the team that pulls the opposition past the center line. Uneven teams are numerically balanced by lot with those previously set aside receiving a bye. The games overall winner is the team with the fastest time in defeating their opponent.
The Fell Race. The Fell race derives its name from the hills of Northern England where it was originally contested. It is a non-traditional skill test of both running and cross-country skills over rough terrain. The Sherwood race is conducted in a relay format and features a variety of obstacles to overcome. Uneven teams cover down by some members repeating the event.
50 Yard Dash. Athletes race 50 yards. Fastest time wins.
Kilted Flip. The Kilted Flip is a team event combining strength, speed, quickness, and teamwork. The objective is to flip a large tractor tire over an 8 yard course. The winner is the team with the fastest time.
9:20 Flag Raising & Mobilization
9:45 Summons of the Sherwood Drum & Bagpipe Corps // Parade of Legions
9:55 Marshalling of the Roman & Spartan Battalions
10:00 Sherwood Highland Games
11:00 Presentation of the Cumberpatch Cudgel
Honors & Awards
Champions of individual events will be awarded ribbons 1st thru 4th place. Ribbons will be presented at the Team Awards Ceremony on Thursday, August 19th . Points will be awarded in accordance with the published standards for the Championship Ladder using the swimming point format, reference the Camp Manual for detail. The Tug ‘O War event will be treated as a whole camp competition. 1st place will be awarded to the team with the fastest time in defeating an opposing team – of any age group.
The athlete demonstrating the highest levels of tenacity, initiative, and leadership among their peers will be presented the 2004 Cumberpatch Trophy.
In Memory of Rick Cumberpatch
The Cumberpatch Highland Games are dedicated to the memory of a former camper Rick Cumberpatch. Rick was mortally wounded while trying to save a fellow American in the Republic of Vietnam on a summer day in 1966.
He was awarded the Silver Star (Posthumously). His medal citation reads in part:
On 23 June 1966, while serving as a medical aid man attached to Company C, 2d Battalion, 7 th Cavalry, Specialist Four Cumberpatch demonstrated courage, devotion to duty, and professional competence which contributed to the defeat of a platoon size force of North Vietnamese Army Regulars. When the heavily fortified and well concealed enemy opened fire upon the advancing unit with automatic weapons and small arms, Specialist Four Cumberpatch repeatedly exposed himself to intense and accurate hostile fire. During the height of the battle, when a wounded soldier was stranded on a rocky ledge, Specialist Four Cumberpatch volunteered to climb to him and render first aid. In the process, he was wounded in the leg, but proceeded to crawl to the wounded soldier’s aid. Once having reached him, Specialist Four Cumberpatch then located an enemy sniper and directed machine gun fire upon him, disregarding a warning to remain silent. Having exposed himself to hostile fire once more, Specialist Four Cumberpatch was wounded again, this time mortally. Specialist Four Cumberpatch’s conspicuous gallantry is in keeping with the highest traditions of the military service, and reflects great credit upon himself, his unit, and the United States Army.